Online courses
soft skills
Motivating others
Motivated people perform better, but motivating others to perform is a difficult task for some managers. As a manager, you need to be able to create a climate in which people want to do their best. You need to be able to assess each person’s strengths and use them to get the best out of him or her. This course will help managers to understand how they can motivate others to perform more effectively and how to best handle de-motivated individuals.
Negotiation skills
Whether negotiating with clients or colleagues in other departments, negotiation skills are important in today’s complex and difficult environment.
Setting the tone for your new employee is just as important as first impressions – you only get to do it once. So why not do it right?
Giving Effective Feedback
The workplace today requires us to know how to effectively and constructively provide feedback to others. But this may be a challenging task for someone who is afraid of hurting other people’s feelings or simply doesn’t know how to put a good sentence together.
Excelling as a manager
Moving into a management role brings new challenges and tasks, requiring individuals to learn and develop quickly. This training will ensure new managers are fully equipped to be successful.
Effective public speaking/presentation skills
For those who worry about presenting, this poses a huge problem: how do we learn to present and get good at it? No matter what your current level is, you can teach yourself to be a really good presenter.
Delegation is an essential part of management. In fact, anyone can delegate. Yet being able to “let go” and delegate tasks to others is often difficult.
Influencing skills
Influencing and persuasion skills are indispensable in modern organisations. Command and control structures have given way to less hierarchical, cross-team working where you get things done by inspiring and persuading.
Whether you're a manager, leader, subject matter expert, or individual contributor, you can progress your career and help someone else’s growth through mentoring.
Creative Thinking
When you apply creative thinking to every aspect of your life (personal and professional), you can find a sustainable competitive advantage and stay ahead of your competition.
Handling difficult situations and people
Difficult people can make life impossible. The workplace is inhabited by a wide variety of people types and sometimes it can be difficult to get on with them as well as get on with your work. By understanding what makes certain people tick, what they think, and why they do what they do, we can learn how to deal with even the most difficult people.
Transformational leadership
Transformational leadership programs can help even experienced executives to be better leaders. Indeed, in an increasingly complex business environment, transformational leadership skills can make all the difference in how well you can lead your team and rise to meet evolving challenges.
Cross-cultural awareness
The aim of this training is to increase cross-cultural awareness and improve relationships between employees based in different countries.
Performance management: day-to-day performance management
So, you are a manager, and you have to manage the performance of your team members. But what are the specific actions you need to take – that’s something most books and gurus don’t talk about.
Business writing skills
This highly interactive workshop is designed to help the business communicator improve writing skills such as preparation, organisation, understanding the reader's needs, avoiding common grammar and spelling mistakes, and basic editing. Throughout the session, participants will have the opportunity to work on documents they have developed or need to develop for real-world business purposes.
Memory techniques
There are probably plenty of times when you forgot something that you were supposed to do. You didn’t remember until the last minute and by then, it may have been too late. If you have answered “Yes” to the above questions, then you may have a problem with your memory. You have been forgetting more than you should have.
Memory improvement can be achieved in two ways: 1) by improving the health of your brain, and 2) using memory skills. These are easier to do than you might think, but you have to make the effort.
Performance management: appraisal meetings
The performance review (appraisal) meeting is one of the three key elements of the performance management cycle alongside the setting of objectives and the on-going monitoring of performance.
Research shows that people work best when they feel good about themselves – the challenge lies in understanding how to get the best from yourself.
Effective Meetings
Employees typically spend up to 40% of their time preparing for and participating in meetings. With poor planning and unclear agendas, meetings often end up losing focus and devouring time, energy, resources and money.
Managing virtual teams
Leading virtual teams requires several capabilities, including strong virtual communication skills, which can motivate and coach workers despite geographical distance and emotional intelligence that allows the individual to acknowledge the differing needs, objectives and goals of their intact and remote workers.
The virtual leader or manager also needs the flexibility to consider and accommodate the impact that cultural differences may have on their team and team performance, making any adjustments necessary to ensure a collaborative and nurturing atmosphere that can be felt across borders and time zones.
Stories are told and retold because they contain wisdom. A story with a practical idea can make people believe. A story with an emotional idea can make people care. And the “right” story can make people act.
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is our ability to be self-aware and to recognise and manage our emotions and those of the people around us.
Conflict Management
Conflict can be unpleasant, and it can become particularly difficult in the office, straining critical working relationships and jeopardising performance.
Conflict resolution
Conflict can be unpleasant, and it can become particularly difficult in the office, straining critical working relationships and jeopardising performance. As a manager and a leader, you need to resolve conflict in the best possible way.
The key purpose of a training is to help people to learn, where learning occurs best when people feel involved, can ask and answer questions, discuss, debate, try things out, work in teams, and reflect on and apply ideas. Great trainers understand how people learn, what stops them learning and how to create a stimulating learning environment.
Coaching for managers
This training will help managers and leaders at every level understand what effective coaching is while at the same time learn key coaching techniques they can use in their everyday practice.
Problem solving
There are many approaches to problem solving, depending on the nature of the problem and the people involved in the problem. Most of us encounter problems in our work. However, sometimes we have to go beyond the existing procedures to create new ways of solving the problems we face in our roles.
Managing change
The ability to cope with change is crucial to business and organisational success. To remain competitive in challenging times we have to adopt a positive attitude to change as change should always be seen as an opportunity.
Facilitation Skills
Group discussions are an essential part of modern organisational life and a group’s effectiveness is often greatly influenced by the ability of the facilitator working with them. The facilitator acts as an enabler, bringing different people together to produce results greater than those that could be achieved individually
Dealing with difficult people
Difficult people can make life impossible. The workplace is inhabited by a wide variety of people types and sometimes it can be difficult to get on with them as well as get on with your work. By understanding what makes certain people tick, what they think, and why they do what they do, we can learn how to deal with even the most difficult people.
On-the-job coaching and training
Coaching is a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful coach requires knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place.
Making teams work
Learn how to build a high-performance culture through teamwork, what the building blocks of a team and how you can manage the process effectively
Performance management: managing underperformance
Although we all want to lead a team of star performers, an underperformer may appear out of nowhere every once in a while. Do you know how to handle underperformance effectively?
On occasions, you need be assertive – not aggressive or passive, but assertive. However, some people find getting that balance hard
Excelling as a leader
Leadership is complicated, challenging, and full of personal risk. But it also has the capacity to inspire, excite and help people grow. You mould what happens in your team and in the organisation.
Time management
This workshop explores the concept of time and where we waste it in our everyday lives. It allows the participants to identify urgent and important tasks and differentiates between being efficient and effective.
It is inevitable – employees leave the company sooner or later. But you part can be key not just for you but for the company.
Body language
Both verbal and non-verbal responses should reflect careful attention to Body Language. Ultimately, like every form of communication, body Language connects people and like every language, its vocabulary must be learned.
Performance management: setting objectives
Objectives are one of the critical components of the annual appraisal. They clarify expectations between the reviewer/line manager and the appraisee for the coming year and provide the basis for the next appraisal.
Managing the personal development of direct reports
We mostly get an equal start in our careers. But personal development is what sets us apart. And having a strong personal development plan can help us reach “from zero to hero” in no time.